With Critical Daily you are welcome to browse all the critical design projects, as well as filter and customise the blog page by adjusting the parameters of the CriticalMeterCM (accessible in the main navigation panel), to suit your preferences. Clicking on a specific post will allow you to read and review the selected critical-practice project. Each post has been uploaded by a blogger and accepted by the editors. If you want to browse the full content of the website, including the messages and topics, go to the corner menu and choose Archive, where you can choose to filter and browse all content that has been posted since the beginning.
Critical Daily allows you to participate in the content. All you need to do is register. Then, if you have something interesting to share that represents critical practice in graphic design, you can post it, whether it is a project, a message or a topic. This can be achieved by clicking on the floating letter P or by accessing the Archive pop-up window. If you find an inspiring topic or message added by someone else, you are free to reflect on it by creating your own critical project.
Posting messages and topics does not require the approval of the editors, unlike project posts. Once a project is accepted, it will immediately earn points from editors and appear in the blog. Every project inside the portal collects points based on editors' votes, viewers’ likes, number of commňents, and viewing time. The points are constantly tallied by the CriticalMeterCM algorithm, which determines the position of the post in the blog.
You are also able to publish your own post-digital Critical Daily zine by clicking on Publish in the main navigation panel. The hierarchy of the projects in the generated zine is defined by the CriticalMeterCM, whose parameters can be customised (via the the main navigation panel).