Blogger    Critical Daily

B Critical Daily
W www.criticaldaily.org
E balazikovakata@gmail.com

Critical Daily is an interactive and participatory web portal for graphic designers. Posts under the blogger's name Critical Daily are published on behalf of unregistered authors. These texts might have already been published in other magazines, newspaper and other media.


Achieving the change of behaviour of someone is a hard nut to crack
Are anti-capitalists hypocritical if they use mainstreem advertising and social media?
Both client and professional designer should work on their communication
Censorship does not prevent the will to speak and create
Clients who think they don't need professional graphic designers need them the most
Combining objective and subjective content can create an original book
Contemporary media gives a heavily diminished and blurred look at reality
Covering trashy paintings with new trashy ones is not the solution
Critical practice is becomming a relevant part of the design profession in media society
Culture as a social mediator was always on the edge of political interests
Culture posters are good medium for trasmitting of designers' messages
Design is a symbolic, public and dialog practice
Design itself should be the footprint of messages on ecology
Design should become the subject of everyday social transformation
Designers are becoming substantial agents of change
Designing and using pictographic fonts can be an endless story
Do you agree that atheists should not be allowed to celebrate Christmas?
Don't pee standing, sitting is more effective
Each direction can be inspiring and bring us to unexpected
Emoticons will not help homeless look friendly, they have to smile first
Facades shouln't be painted such as coulouring books!
Game is great starting point for a discussion
Graphic design is a knowledge production and tool for analysing power structures
Having something is better than having nothing
History of smoking is an infographic designed in fresh and dynamic visual style
How to avoid domestic balast while building own identity
I wish more people would see this sculpture about the state property robbery
Image is a message, design is a medium, medium is the message
It is not possible to pay attention to all ads at once
It is shocking what we daily read in newspapers
Let's talk about unique places in city of Bratislava
Let's talk about unique places in city of Trnava
Let's talk about unique places in High Tatras
Let's think about who or what is terrorizing your life
Media manipulate people and people manipulate them
Musicians should at least ask for forgivness while using music illegaly
Networks and creative collaboration make the design community sustainable
Old buildings with new elements are not eclecticism but pure wilderness
Online we chat all the time, in real life we are often embarrassed
Playing, praying and paying are by random nice similiar words
Poor Big Bird was misused in the political agenda
Popeye the sailor is not the right person to personalise fight against addiction
Professional designed state identity will not cover the corruption inside
Reader can use books by various ways
Sometimes everyone is right
Stressed people ignore the life risk or a car exident in order to catch the bus
Students should learn how to use critical thinking in their own projects
Subjective mapping can show cultures in completely different perspectives
The city centers are the cultural and social centers not residential zones
The current state of public transport maps in Bratislava is user unfriendly
The history shows that design is a strong ideological tool
The hypnosis is the last chance to force people to vote in Slovakia
The key figure of critical practice is Jan van Toorn
The pavement is so significant for the city that can work as a logo or mascot
The truth is somewhere out there
The Union of Graphic Designers of Slovakia is already established
There are pursuits more worthy of our problem-solving skills
They say they don't have time, but in many cases its just bad excuse
Trashy facades are the manifestation of our post-communist trauma
Typography is everywhere we go, it is all around us
Unfortunately some topics will never be oldfashioned
Uniform does not make better cop, but it helps create the positive image
Using the public transport in Bratislava is a rather frustrating experience
Visualisation of the Slovak culture budget should be inspired by Fulla
We all wish something different for Christmas
We are all part of the neighbourhood
We are designers but we do have opinion
We have different values, we search for our profit
We should be tolerant in public transport, we all experience the same discomfort
We should consider the phenomenon of creating artificial ideal women
We should have new expactations towards designers
We should pray for forgiveness
We walk around public spaces and we don't even notice them
When media is the message then message is power and power is media


Moths in the kitchen
Amateur DIY design
Client - designer communication
communication networks
Creating visual messages
Critical design practice
Critical practice
Culture and industrial heritage
Culture events' posters
Culture stereotypes
Dangerous street intersections
Design of encyclopedies
Dirty political agenda
Drug addiction
Effectivity of outdoor advertising
Excercises for artists and designers
Financing of culture
Freedom of expression
Homless in Slovakia
Christmas madness
Ideology of design
Illegal use of music
Image world
independent media
Infographic about health
Lack of discussions at design schools
Lack of public financing of culture
Lack of scate parks in Bratislava
Mapping of cultures
National design and identity
Navigation systems in public space
Night life in the capital
Pictographic fonts
Police uniforms
Presentation of women in the mass media
Professional designers
Public financing of culture
Public opinion
Public space
Public transport maps
Public vs. private space
Self-publishing of zines
Shocking news in slovak media
social responsibility
State property robbery
State visual identity
Superstructures on buildings
Tolerance in public transport
Traditional family
Trashy facades
Union of graphic designers
Visual communication in public space
Visual culture
Visual journalism

Speculative visual identity for AFAD 23–11–2021 18:49

Its hard to believe that AFAD doesn't have a history. Let's say - its short but there is one. In slovak context its quite a unique project - there is no such institution that would be so brave to be represented by such a crazy concept. The question is - how sustainable these speculative concepts are. The practical part is with a big questionmark. How will future designers use this concept? How limiting is the design manual? What if someone will not applly it correctly as the authors wished?


Zero Emissions by 2099 08–10–2021 12:49

Great collaborative and critical project. Designers can create but also destroy utopias and new imagined worlds in order to communicate messages. Online world is great place to exhitib in covid times but the real experience is irreplaceable.


Identity of The [fjúžn] festival 18–12–2020 23:55

Graphic design has the power to communicate faster and more efficient in so many times. Problems related to minorities and rise of nationalism in Slovakia are a complex issue, such festivals and their visual communication can be crucial.


The Room Call 29–08–2020 22:21

Technology is not tricky or problematic itself. Only people who use them give technologies their power to manipulate. Everyone should reconsider what purposes it should be used for. Speculative design is the great platform how to reflect this issue and motivate people to discuss it.


Memefest – Rethinking Communication 17–10–2018 11:01

There should be more posts about complex activities of this international network, maybe in more details and about specific project, books, initiatives that are linked within this group.


Wild facades 18–05–2017 19:13

This project was also one of the inspirations for the project www.projektfasady.sk. where Juraj also participated.


Thanks for your understanding 27–11–2016 16:47

I like how Miriam tried to find a solution and make people think about the inolerance in a very direct way. But it is really important to think about the timing in the process of planning, becasue we need to catch the target audience as first. Otherwise all our effort can be wasted. I propose to make the project again in rush hour and test the feedbacks again.


Something from nothing 27–11–2016 16:39

This project has a critical approach because Alica detected a problem in the skate community and tried to communicate it within the group and members of the community. I like how she tried to find a solution and suggested to create a new skate park from the waste and used an existing project as an example. As a medium she chose a brochure and its distribution at favourite skate spot in Bratislava. I also like her self reflection, because she was aware that she did not choose the right time for the implementation.